
Conservation of Vultures
Vultures play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by scavenging and preventing the spread of diseases. Unfortunately, in India, these majestic birds have faced a severe decline in recent decades due to factors such as diclofenac, a veterinary drug, and habitat loss.
Recognizing the ecological significance of vultures, conservation efforts in India have intensified. Several key initiatives are underway, aiming to reverse the population decline and secure the survival of these vital scavengers.
Conservation of House Sparrows
The once ubiquitous house sparrow, an integral part of our urban and rural landscapes, has experienced a notable decline in numbers across India in recent years. This decline is attributed to factors such as loss of nesting sites, increased urbanization, pollution, and changes in agricultural practices.
Recognizing the significance of sparrows in maintaining ecological balance and their cultural importance, conservation efforts have gained momentum. Various organizations and communities are actively involved in initiatives to protect and promote the sparrow population.

Awareness for National and State Symbols (Tree, Flower, Animal, Bird, Fish, Butterfly)
This project aims to raise awareness about the National and State Symbols among the residents of India. Through various educational and outreach activities, the project highlights the significance of these species, their roles in the ecosystem, and the importance of their conservation. Government of India, Department of Environment, Wildlife Section vide letter No. 1-,2/83-FRY (WL), DT. 17.03.1983 observed that lndia is a vast country, harbouring a variety of geoclimatic regions, with the result that the flora and fauna found in different regions is quite distinct in each region. To focus attention towards the endemicity/indigenous nature etc. of particular species of wild life, it was suggested that each State should have its own State Animal Bird/Tree.
However awareness about state animals and birds in India is often limited due to several factors:
- Education System: The curriculum might not emphasize State symbols and regional biodiversity adequately.
- Urbanization: People in urban areas might be less connected to wildlife.
- Public Engagement: Lack of public programs and initiatives promoting our National and State symbols.
- Conservation Efforts: Limited visibility of conservation projects and the role of state symbols in these efforts.
Efforts to increase awareness could include initiation of World Peacock Day, 15th November 2022. Integration of awareness particularly in students, promoting conservation projects, and increasing media coverage on these topics.

Colors of Conservation: Celebrating Biodiversity with Peacocks

Projects Completed
- Conservation of cliffs dwelling avifauna (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable species) in selected districts of Bundelkhand Region of India. Prakriti Research Fellowship 2022 by Center for Applied Research and Peoples’ Engagement (CARPE), Aurangabad-Maharashtra
- Status and distribution of State bird of Uttar Pradesh, Sarus crane (Grus antigone antigone) in Bundelkhand Districts of Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018.
- Conservation and up keeping of House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) population in Temple patios of Jhansi and Tikamgarh, India, 2019.
- Status and Occurrence of Gulls and Terns in Jhansi and Lalitpur districts of Uttar Pradesh, India with particular reference on habitat utilization” Nisbet Award by Waterbird Society, U.S.A., 2016-17
- Community Participation in the Conservation And Management Of Vultures In Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh. (2016) by M.P.State Biodiversity Board.